Coach Training
Maidu Little League is proud to be a 100% volunteer driven organization. Thank-you in advance for “stepping up to the plate” to create a memorable season for all of our Maidu families!! There are three Little League International mandated requirements to complete. JDP background check, Live Scan fingerprinting and mandated training modules. Below are instructions to complete all three. If you have any questions or issues, please reach out to [email protected]
The JDP Background check policy can be found here JDP Background Check Policy This background check is an annual requirement of all volunteers.
NOTE - If you signed up as a Manager or Assistant Coach when registering your player for the Spring season, your JDP process has already been initiated and you will receive an email to complete the JDP application at a later date. You may skip to Step 2.
Step 1 - Login or create an account at
- Select "volunteer" and then "Find Volunteer Roles"

- Select "Head Coach" or "Assistant Coach"

- Select "Sign up a registered user" then click "Continue"

- Complete the information on the following page. Upload a government ID. Training certificates DO NOT need to be uploaded at this time.

- Once completed, you will immediately will receive a confirmation email. A follow up email prompting you to complete your JDP application will be sent at a later date. The included link will only be active for 14 days. The application is the final step for your JDP background check and takes approximately 15 minutes to complete.
STEP 2 - Complete LIVE SCAN application and fingerprinting
- Live Scan fingerprinting is specific for Maidu Little League. Live Scans from other organizations, sport leagues or schools will not transfer. A new Live Scan will need to be completed for Maidu Little League. Complete and print the following Live Scan Form and contact our Live Scan representative, Norm Henry, at 408-480-9331 to schedule your fingerprinting appointment. Bring your completed form with you to the appointment. All Live Scan fingerprinting is paid for by Maidu Little League, free of charge to all volunteers, and is permanent, meaning you will only need to be fingerprinted once.
STEP 3 - Complete the mandated training modules. Abuse awareness, Cardiac Arrest and Concussion Awareness are annual trainings for each calendar year. Diamond Leader training is a one time requirement.
- Complete the following Little League Abuse Awareness Training
- Complete the following Little League Diamond Leader Training
- Complete the following Save a Life Foundation - Sudden Cardiac Arrest Training
- Complete the following CDC Concussion Awareness
Email all completed training certificates to [email protected] Please include your Diamond Leader certificate regardless of completion date.